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Simple: Responsive iframes

Responsive iframe with GuppY 6

GuppY 6 integrates Bootstrap, which makes it possible to simplify the installation of responsive iframes with a line of code.
No more adding lines and lines of code!

To test this, here are some examples that are worth a long explanation!

an example with youtube:

<div style="text-align:center;margin:0 auto;">
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"><iframe allowfullscreen="" class="embed-responsive-item" src=""></iframe></div>

For centering on the page, the iframe is in a container div, the iframe is on the second line, you copy/paste this code into an article, a free box, a news... everything will work.

You want to change the video, it's simple, you have to check the 16by9 ratio (16/9) if it's the same you leave it, then you modify the url of the video urVfi9Yswaw which you replace by yours and you save.

Here is the result:

Another example with a text in pdf, the principle is the same:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-1by1"><iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="file/Santiano.pdf" width="100%"></iframe></div>

The ratio is 1by1 (1/1) and the width 100%.

Here is the result:


Finally, here are the different ratios:

21:9 corresponds to 21by9, 16:9 corresponds to 16by9, 4:3 corresponds to 4by3, 1:1 corresponds to 1by1.

As you can see, it's simple and you should have an optimal rendering on tablets and smartphones!

Creation date : 01/05/2021 : 09:43
Category : Display - Demos
Page read 6015 times