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Sentence to think about :   Why do you want to complicate everything? Just try GuppY ...   
Sentence to think about :   GuppY ? There is there is less good but it is more expensive !   
Sentence to think about :   Don't forget to protect the GuppY administration area with the "Admin protection" function.   
Sentence to think about :   Your first reflex after you have downloaded GuppY ? Read the documentation!   
Sentence to think about :   Take good contents, a pinch of pixels, let rest and you obtain an harmonious GuppY.   

GuppY 6 discovery

Having an impeccable website on mobiles, tablets and computers is, today, an obligation for all webmasters!

Based on a "mobile-first" development with Bootstrap, GuppY 6 will adapt to different screen sizes with a rendering optimized for each device, with a perfectly responsive site using HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery plugins.

The creators of plugins, of skins propose their creations to you to enrich the functions and the design of the sites, they are available on GuppYLand.

GuppY 6 ensures the compatibility of your site with all recent browsers, we recommend the use of Firefox for the protection of your data and your private life.

GuppY 6 is free, you can download it and try it, on the GuppY Help Center, you will find the documentation and on the forum you will be able to ask your questions.

Good discovery !!!

The GuppY Team

Latest news item

GuppY 6.00.17 release - 22/01/2024 : 18:20 by Papinou

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.17 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 129th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.17 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • password control corrections
  • Integration of the avif image type provided that it is in Php 8
  • Integration and automatic detection of OPcache Hosting
  • Integration of OPcache management
  • Correction and integration of the Captcha in case of reopening of a forum post
  • tarteaucitron Utf-8 encoding

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.16 to 6.00.17, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.

Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again.

      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team


The last note

Display test redactor  -  by yoyo|Redacteurs


With GuppY 6, your blog benefits from the general evolution for display on all screens, your post will be able to be displayed and read everywhere, the only condition is to have a device with an internet connection whether it is WiFi, 4G...

You only have to take care of the content of your ticket, GuppY will do the rest, but the important thing being the content, it is up to you to decide!


Published on 27/04/2024 : 08:54  - none comment -   |     |