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Sentence to think about :   Why do you want to complicate everything? Just try GuppY ...   
Sentence to think about :   GuppY ? There is there is less good but it is more expensive !   
Sentence to think about :   Don't forget to protect the GuppY administration area with the "Admin protection" function.   
Sentence to think about :   Your first reflex after you have downloaded GuppY ? Read the documentation!   
Sentence to think about :   Take good contents, a pinch of pixels, let rest and you obtain an harmonious GuppY.   

Blog - All the posts

 4 members
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Display test redactor  -  by yoyo|Redacteurs


With GuppY 6, your blog benefits from the general evolution for display on all screens, your post will be able to be displayed and read everywhere, the only condition is to have a device with an internet connection whether it is WiFi, 4G...

You only have to take care of the content of your ticket, GuppY will do the rest, but the important thing being the content, it is up to you to decide!

Published on 27/04/2024 : 08:54  - none comment - |     |
Display test  -  by Papinou

Nous vous proposons de le télécharger, de le tester pour vous rendre compte des modifications apportées à l'ensemble pour l'affichage sur tous les écrans quelle que soit la taille.

Le plus simple est d'installer GuppY 6 et de naviguer avec votre smartphone, tout de suite vous voyez la différence, totalement responsive, "mobile-first", pour toutes les pages y compris en admin, plus moderne, plus aéré avec l'intégration de Bootstrap.

Vous pouvez poursuivre avec une tablette, un ordinateur portable ou un pc de bureau, l'affichage sera adapté automatiquement à la taille de l'écran, c'est simple, c'est pratique mais ceci nécessite de penser en permanence "mobile-first", de penser en premier au contenu car les visiteurs sont connectés pour le contenu.

Bonne continuation !

Published on 30/01/2021 : 22:46  - none comment - |     |
Your blog with GuppY 6  -  by GuppY_Team

With GuppY 6, your blog benefits from the general evolution for display on all screens, your post will be able to be displayed and read everywhere, the only condition is to have a device with an internet connection whether it is WiFi, 4G...

You only have to take care of the content of your ticket, GuppY will do the rest, but the important thing being the content, it is up to you to decide!

You can categorize your posts, accept user posts, comments with or without administrator confirmation. For the security of your blog, it seems preferable to select Administrator confirmation if only to avoid inappropriate content.

It's your choice!

Published on 29/01/2021 : 18:35  - none comment - |     |