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Sentence to think about :   Don't forget to protect the GuppY administration area with the "Admin protection" function.   
Sentence to think about :   Your first reflex after you have downloaded GuppY ? Read the documentation!   
Sentence to think about :   Take good contents, a pinch of pixels, let rest and you obtain an harmonious GuppY.   


GuppY 6.00.17 release - 22/01/2024 : 18:20 by Papinou

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.17 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 129th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.17 with additions, improvements and corrections.


Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • password control corrections
  • Integration of the avif image type provided that it is in Php 8
  • Integration and automatic detection of OPcache Hosting
  • Integration of OPcache management
  • Correction and integration of the Captcha in case of reopening of a forum post
  • tarteaucitron Utf-8 encoding

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.16 to 6.00.17, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display.

Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again.

      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team