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Sentence to think about :   Why do you want to complicate everything? Just try GuppY ...   
Sentence to think about :   GuppY ? There is there is less good but it is more expensive !   
Sentence to think about :   Don't forget to protect the GuppY administration area with the "Admin protection" function.   
Sentence to think about :   Your first reflex after you have downloaded GuppY ? Read the documentation!   
Sentence to think about :   Take good contents, a pinch of pixels, let rest and you obtain an harmonious GuppY.   


 Migrate to v6
  • You are in version 5.03.03 of GuppY and you check that if you had renamed some files, you renamed them back as the original ones.
    To do so, go to admin/services config. In Anti-Spam, you empty the fileds showing names of renames files and you save leaving boxes empty. You can check: GuppY has changed back to original names.
  • You have downloaded the full GuppY 6.00.XX package.
  • Minimal PHP Version to run version 6.00.XX of GuppY is version 5.6 .


Creation date :28/06/2020 : 15:14