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Sentence to think about :   Why do you want to complicate everything? Just try GuppY ...   
Sentence to think about :   GuppY ? There is there is less good but it is more expensive !   
Sentence to think about :   Don't forget to protect the GuppY administration area with the "Admin protection" function.   
Sentence to think about :   Your first reflex after you have downloaded GuppY ? Read the documentation!   
Sentence to think about :   Take good contents, a pinch of pixels, let rest and you obtain an harmonious GuppY.   


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 GuppY 6

GuppY's logo for download. (52.91 Kb) Downloaded 489 times

Download the logo of our partner o2switch. (19.38 Kb) Downloaded 459 times

CeCILL is a French free software license, officially recognized as an Open Source license by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). (52.51 Kb) Downloaded 454 times